Tips camping fun at the beach


Beach boy who ngakunya certainly not ever miss to linger on the shore, carrying a variety of equipment at home let me add on the beach even so satisfied until nginep tu ga days at the beach. Why yes there is the term child ko the beach? Maybe it's the song steven and coconutrezz ya .... The child mah rege yes, maybe you could say they like the beach, can be like the same atmosphere, can love ama waves, can be like the same nature Indonesia this highway.
Slightly alesan so why linger on the beach mengasikan, if fitted malem day and fitting sunny weather you can see millions of stars flickering in the sky, the sound of the waves and the sea will give peace to those who listen to it, and the sand is soft will offer warmth in playing barefoot with those we love (note: yes maksutnya family).
Now create belom been camping on the beach and really pingin dome tent set up on the beach I have some tips for the event campingmu become more exciting and certainly ga crisp. Let's refer to the tips.

1. Note the custom


Do not let one wear costume yes to the beach because it would be complicated and hard to make you want ngelakuin something. If the beach to be visited have easy access shoes or sandals would not be a problem but you will visit is the beach eksclusif that requires tracking pretty much would you need comfortable footwear and safe to walk that may be down the slippery rocks. For clothing can be tailored to the needs of the location yes maybe if shorts ga going to miss donk, for those who fear the fine skin would dry and charred can wear / long shirt.

 2. Bring intriguing objects


Weve still on the beach tu ngelakuin any kind bawaanya uncomfortable, ranging from Just sitting on the shore, the streets enjoying the soft sand, until enjoy the thrill of water toys. But there's no harm donk carry tools that certainly adds keseruanmu camping on the beach like carrying a musical instrument, a ball, a hammock, as well as other unique property for you who like pictures instagramable really.

3. Choose the location of the tent


Estimate your tent location affordable ama lest the name of the sea, not want the fit-again riches bed suddenly collapsed tent and sea water into the tent, even so refugees impromptu. Then look up the location as good as possible and as needed, if want a somewhat private to find locations that rather nyempil or could find new beaches are still quiet visitors. Also avoid locations near bushes, because it will berbaahaya if any venomous animal habitat area dai it, not want the admissions tent intruder and make luburanmu tucked moments of fear.

4. Barbequean


Evening atmosphere and the ocean breeze that blows on the beach create a show-fuel combustion and bonfires to be one of the awaited event. If for the menu can be tailored to their individual tastes, ranging from just burn corn alone or can add other foods such as chicken, meat, sausage, fish, and many more materials that can be added to add pleasure barbequean by pantae. Moment of grilling food together can nurture a sense of caring and understand each other, you know, for example, can understand appetites friends or parents what rich, mateng, what mateng really, and when grilling certainly some people not want dong at the cap so builders eat doang so must help-aids will participate ngolah condiment or prepare other things, the important kesanya took part in this event.

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