Already happy today?


Okay here we will discuss about the happiness that he and seems to be a feeling that is always sought by every human being on this earth. But understand what is happiness? each person must have benchmarks which vary in deciphering happiness, there is a search for happiness by getting a great fortune, there are happy if it can be traveling every day, there are happy if always with people who disangi, and of course many more.
We open yet another book about the theory of happiness, according to Prof. Martin Seligman (originator of positive psychology) expressed happiness can be obtained from their positive emotions and followed with positive activities as well. According to Mc Arthur interpret their feelings and happiness is a pleasant experience (pleasure), satisfying, and their excitement. Now both the above opinion we are trying to deduce if happiness was a pleasant experience and feelings about things, and 1. Respect yourselfhappiness can be achieved by increasing positive emotions and activities in us. Now we will discuss how the ways that we are always happy to live a daily life, what is to be done? Let's check one by one:

                                    1. Respect yourself


Trying to become a person who appreciates all that has dimili today, not membandingakan yourself with others who actually triggered the emergence of a sense of inferiority. We should believe every human being has the ability of different, when you see other people more successful due designs homes that resulted, perhaps you have a sale value of other capable mengantarkanmu become more successful, could be from the ability of music, language, counting, creativity, and much more. So now we stop yo regret the things that can not be done, more recognize again what what potential there is in you, develop, and keep innovating to your day more enjoyable.

2. Become more optimistic


Being a person who always sees the positive in every experience has been passed or are being addressed. Perhaps there is a feeling jomblo it ngenes buildup, often mocked for kesendirianya wherever they may be, there's nothing to remind eat, there is no invites street Sunday night, if pain there's nothing merhatiin, can not tender-dovey rich that other, well basically torture really time yes hehe. But for people who have an optimistic soul gabakal make kejombloanya as a reason to keep diem corner of the room, lamenting the fate of, and continue to regret the lonely life. Try it dipikirin again, ga for singles it was scary, singles not a curse which must be purified for any followers, perhaps kejombloanmu today as a boon granted by the creator because it was prepared angel will accompany later life. With singles give you plenty of time to do things that are more useful, rich in your dreams that must soon you realize, finishing school, his parents happy, hobby more positive, manage finances better, and buy goods very you want. So keep an optimistic yes, all the problems will surely show her the way, if you can choose to stay happy why should choose the road full of weeping and sighing.

3. One with each activity


Fully aware that you're in an activity might make all the tasks and jobs become lighter, it is undeniable sometimes boredom often approached, the presence of the problem is also the extra spice that makes you lazy to do the work, get to work, and attend morning lectures , so often you just only physically present to perform these activities. Now that activities undertaken be a fun thing you need to find meaning / significance of the event, for example, the activity of the task in order to get good grades in college, the value of which is always nice it would accelerate graduation, and eventually be able to work in famous company. Therefore performing chores you'll definitely sincere thoughts and wishes are pouring high to complete. Focus on the current activities will make you more productive and creative in the face of such challenges, because we just have to try hard at this time, an error in the past is a valuable process, and results in the future will never betray the process and effort we did.

4. Relationship positive


Harmonious relationships with family, friends, neighbors, relatives, and the people you care can increase the level of happiness. You will have those who are ready to listen oarang complaints, always provide support for the success of all your efforts, advise, and prepared like crazy every your weekend getaway. After feeling happy because the people who are around us, it's time to share happy feelings to others and become more useful in the social environment. Able to help people in need, give alms, pay attention to the education of children, participated in the establishment of public reading, and creating and teaching science that can improve people's lives. By helping others will open the eyes and hearts of how lucky are you today, and how precious those who care and love you. Therefore do good to your parents, do not forget the friend-friend, and LHA help people look less fortunate around you, because they will open the way prayer broad reach for you personally happy.

Well that was four things that can be done so we can become a happier person in every day. We hope to facilitate souls longing for the presence of happiness. Be happy.

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